
Friday, December 4, 2015

A Sly Intrusion: Short Story

I had always wanted to travel to new places, and now I could. A new planet was discovered a couple months ago; it was a phenomenon. 

The government had decided that they wished to explore this planet, since scientists and space specialists concluded that it was safe for human beings, and the air/environment was acceptable for life. I had heard a couple weeks ago that a spaceship was being prepared to blast off to this unknown planet, and that licensed astronauts would be able to venture to it, as well as rich people who are able to buy their way onto missions like this, which is completely unfair to poor people like me. It’s sad that you have to contain a large amount of money to be able to go somewhere or do something. 

Money is everything nowadays. I had decided later on that I wanted to be in on this dangerous yet exciting mission, simply because seeing a new planet seems awfully interesting. I may not have a lot of money on me, but I’ve always been told that I’m able to get around the rules, or that I have a talent to do things I want. I don’t disagree with those statements. I’m quite proud of this quality I possess. 

Sure, it makes me seem like some unjust criminal, but it works. Usually, I’m never caught when acting out my plans, but this specific one will most likely be much more difficult than all my other intrusions, so I must plan it out carefully. It must work without flaw. A good plan can never work with any kind of flaws; one must think through these things carefully. I had planned everything out ahead of time, and made sure to time everything correctly. 

With my handy technical skills, I was able to get the work schedule at the building where the space ship would take off, I got the files of everyone who would be attending this mission, I created a fake Id and had hacked into the system to change someone’s work schedule, so the coast would be clear when I snuck on. As the day got nearer, I became overwhelmingly excited. 

It was now August 19th, 2111. The day my life will most likely change. The day that concludes the next step to dominating new discoveries for the human race. I drove to the destination and had walked in with confidence in my steps. I had made sure to dress like everyone else would, and had packed necessary things in a backpack. I waved at the occasional person that would pass by me and smiled politely, not letting people see through my façade. 

Once I got to the appropriate door, I held the Id up to the scanner and it immediately recognized me. The doors slid open, I then walked through. I set my things down then made myself look busy, pretending I was one of them. Nobody suspected me thankfully. As I waited for the right time to sneak on, I looked through the files on this planet that I had collected. 

They had named it Tyche, after the Greek goddess of prosperity. The planet looked almost similar to Earth, expect that the landmarks were different, the water was in a different place and it seemed to be a darker shade of blue mixed with green and brown. With the occasional white. Of course, I didn’t expect the planet to be in perfect condition as I looked over the files. According to the scientists who had studied the weather patterns and aspects of the planet; it was very windy with occasional earthquakes, tornadoes and rising dust. There were volcanoes, but apparently we weren’t going anywhere near them. 

The danger sent a thrill through my body, I simply couldn’t wait to explore what was awaiting. Minutes or hours seemed to pass by without my notice as I went over my plan and what I would do once I got onto the planet. Even if I was caught, which is highly unlikely, they would have to let me stay. Surely they wouldn’t kill me or send me off into the openness of space. Surely they wouldn’t do that to an innocent being who had simply wanted to explore this stunning planet like them, and who had put much thought and effort into getting onto that space ship. I had high hopes for what would occur. 

Suddenly, a beeping broke through my thoughts. I looked down at the source to see it was my watch alerting me. It was time. Gathering up my things, I quickly smoothed down my clothes, ridding it of wrinkles. I ran my hand through my shaggy brown hair, making myself look fairly presentable. With quick and confident steps, I made my way to the space ship, being careful about my surroundings. 

Looking around with observant eyes, I made sure no one was looking and made my way to a deserted entrance. Taking a huge breath, I stepped inside the huge machine. This was it, there was no going back now. My plan was officially put into action.

Earlier, I had looked over a blueprint of the inside of this space ship, so I was familiar with it and knew where to go. Walking towards large supply room, I looked around then spotted a perfect spot. I went over to the back and went behind a huge pile of boxes and cartons. They hid me well. There was just enough room for me to sit down in the corner with my bag. Long seconds passed by when finally, I heard a loud voice over what seemed to be an intercom.

“We will now take off to venture to the stunning Tyche, hold on tight and prepare to blast off.”

Then the countdown started.



A deafening noise sounded throughout the machine, then I felt a horrid rumbling that shook my body. 

Looking around frantically, I held onto a pole that stood beside me and shut my eyes, awaiting the take off. Suddenly, I felt like I was on a roller coaster, speeding upwards on a hill rapidly. I felt myself almost levitating as the space ship took off, flying upwards into space. The speed seemed to be the fastest that I’ve ever experienced, and I just hoped that this part was over soon. I felt my stomach lurch as the speed increased, and we went higher. It seemed like it would never stop. 

Suddenly, what seemed like slow agonizing hours, the speed seemed decrease, as it felt as though we weren’t moving at all. But, I knew we were moving, quite quickly actually. The speed simply seemed slow to the beings inside the space ship. I didn’t need to worry about anybody coming in here, for this was simply supplies they’d need once they got onto the planet, nothing they needed on here. 

I got into a comfortable position and closed my eyes, deciding to rest until we came to the destination. What seemed like an eternity later, I awoke. Everything seemed peaceful in those five seconds before the destruction. I had thought everything was going fine. Until I heard a loud siren going throughout the ship, which I recognized as an alert siren. The one that was activated when something was wrong. I started to panic, wondering if they figured out I was here. But it was much worse.
Prepare yourselves for a crash landing, fasten your seatbelts and pray you make it, I seemed to have lost contr-“

The panicked voice was cut off, as static then erupted. I felt the speed of the ship increasing, I suddenly felt sick. This is not what I expected to happen. Thinking quickly, I ran over to the seat that was positioned in here and sat down on it, fastening myself to it. I hung on and shut my eyes, awaiting the impact. Everything seemed to happen so fast. Things were falling the speed was increasing, then suddenly; it crashed.The impact was so powerful that it caused me to lurch forward painfully, just as something fell onto my head, forcing me into a blackout. Just as I was fading out, I heard cracking of metal, and my own conscious preparing itself for death. Pain and soreness was what I felt as I opened eyes slowly. 

For a second, I was confused. Confused as to why I’m still alive, and didn’t die in the impact. Unfastening myself quickly from the seat, I fell to the ground, groaning. Feeling my body, I checked for any broken bones. Nothing seemed damaged. I expected to have some bruises or fractures, but nothing was out of place. Only some minor soreness and a horrid headache. Standing on wobbly legs, 
I went over and grab my pack, then scrambled to the door, which was now broken from where it stood. I cautiously walked out, stepping over fallen things and broken glass. I didn’t know if there were any survivors, but I wasn’t going to stay and find out. I increased my speed and jogged to where I remembered the entrance would be. I swerved around corners and tripped over pieces of metal until I finally came to the entrance. But it wasn’t there. Just a huge gaping whole. I stepped around the destruction and finally made it out.Once I collected myself, I looked around. My surroundings didn’t tell me where I was. 

Around me, there was dust, rocks, puddles of water and sticks. I suddenly felt afraid. In my head, it all seemed exciting. I would be somewhere no one else had been before, it would be fantastic. 

But, the reality was horrible. I was miles away from home. I was now stuck on an unknown planet. One that I actually had no idea about, one that could contain horrid and dangerous things. One that scared the hell out of me. I had no idea if anyone survived, and I certainly had no idea how I would eat or live.

I was now truly alone. 

I was somewhere foreign to me and I knew there was a high chance I wouldn’t make it home. 

I was in deep trouble now.

For the first time, I actually regret my plan and action.

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